Building Environmental Quality & Safety Index

View property listings with a BEQSI Score to make informed decisions about your health and safety.

Who is BEQSI​

An organization of certified industrial hygienists and environmental engineers brought together by the call for transparency in health and safety in buildings.

Our group has developed a rating and certification system to accurately measure environmental safety factors in buildings.

What is a BEQSI score?

BEQSI certified technicians go out and conduct testing based on our scientifically proven formulas to give accurate results on a near exhaustive list of environmental categories.

It’s a score that rates environmental quality and safety to help you make decisions when purchasing or staying in a property.

The BEQSI Database

All registered BEQSI properties that have a current certified score indicating that they are up to date on testing are entered into our database. 

The scores are listed on our publicly available index.

What are some of the factors tested for?

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